Basic Knowledge :
1. Concrete Grade ?
M5 => 1 : 5 : 10
M7 => 1 : 4 : 8
M10 => 1 : 3 : 6
M15 => 1 : 2 : 4
M20 => 1 : 1.5 : 3
M25 => 1 : 1 : 2
2. What is OPC & PPC ?
OPC - Ordinery Portland Cement
PPC - Portland Pozzolana cement
3. What is Fe-415 ?
Fe - Ferrus Matarial (Iren)
415 - Strength of steel in N/ When Tested in (UTM)
UTM - Universul Testing Macine
4. How many diameter of steel bor available in market ?
Steel Bor - 8mm , 10mm , 12mm , 16mm , 20mm , 25mm , 32mm , 40mm .
5. What is standerd size of brick woll ?
External Wall - 9 inch
Internal Wall - 4.5 inch
6. Which instument use for on site for leveling work ?
7. Unit Conversion ?
1 meter = 3.28 ft , 1 squ.meter = 10.76 squ.ft
1 Acre = 4046.86 squ.meter , 1 Acre = 43560 squ.ft
1 Hactore = 2.47 acrs , 1 Hactore = 10000 squ.meter
8. Size of cube mould ?
Length * Width * Height = 150mm * 150mm * 150mm
9. Concrete gain its strength in first ?
3 Day's => 40%
7 Day's => 65%
14 Day's => 90%
28 Day's => 99%
NOTE - After that period still concrete gain it's strength but after that periad the rate of going compresive strength is very low, as compared to first 28 days .
10. What is dansity of water ?
1000 kg/qub.meter
11. What is the dansity of cement ?
3150 kg/qub.meter
12. What is the dansity of glass ?
2000 TO 8000 kg/qub.meter
13. What is the size of spacer used in tile work ?
3 mm
14. What is the ratio of the plaster on external & internal walls ?
External wall - 1 : 4
Internal wall - 1 : 5
15. What is fullform of DPC ?
DPC - Damp Proof Course
16. What is AAC block's ?
AAC - Auto Claved Aerated Concrate Blocks
17. What is P.S.C ?
P.S.C - Pre Stressed Concrate
18. What is the other name of AAC blocks ?
ALC - Auto Claved Lightweight Concrete
19. What is the PH volue of water ?
P.H. volue => 7
20. What is the NGL level ?
NGL - Natural Ground Level
21. Lintel thinkness should be ?
15 cm
22. DPC thinkness should be ?
2.5 cm
23. Maximum chair spacing ?
1 meter
24. Plinth height should be ?
4.5 cm
25. Minimum dia for dowel ?
12 mm
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If you have any doubts,please let me know..